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  導語:冬天以來,受厄爾尼諾現象的影響,氣溫偏高,降雪降雨量很少,逆溫靜風容易導致霧霾天。 下面是yjbs作文網小編爲您收集整理的英語作文,希望對您有所幫助。



Since the winter of this year, most areas throughout the country there were the fog haze weather. Thought haze is the same kind of weather situation, actually they are not the same.

Haze is fog and haze. Haze is composed of dust and other particles in the air and cause of visual impairment, called haze. When the air humidity increases, the haze will translate into the fog. The difference between haze and fog haze occurs relative humidity is not big, and the relative humidity in the fog is saturated. Haze weather is actually a state of atmosphere pollution. Fog source is varied, such as car exhaust, industrial emissions, dust, waste incineration, volcanic eruption, etc., even haze weather is usually formed by the various sources mixed.

Haze weather, the large number of particles suspended in the sky, dust and pollutants, virus, once in the human body, will stimulate and damage respiratory tract mucous membrane, make dry nasal cavity, bacteria enter the respiratory tract, easy to cause upper respiratory tract infection and related disease.

Haze weather seriously affected People's Daily life and work. Haze weather window less as far as possible; Go out to wear mask. Had better not go out or morning exercises; At the same time, make skin clean.

The most important is the air environment of governance. So, we go out to ride a bike or take the bus in the future, reduce motor vehicle exhaust emission, adhere to the low-carbon life, to create a good environment to make our efforts.







A heavy fog in people unwittingly quietly. Just get up early in the morning, they saw a piece of white, outside ah, again under the fog.

In recent weeks that don't know why the air, almost every week to a heavy fog, a door, foggy, street as if into the opaque vertigo hole, the ivory like light smoke and fog in opaque gauze, around the side all the time.

Walk on the road, only to see his side of things, even the opposite of tall buildings have been fuzzy see not pure, turned suddenly see can't see the end of the car on the road, then take a look at the weather of hate, I seem to see the factory chimney emissions of black smoke, I seem to see the fireworks away after that all the smoke, I seem to see the burning smoke all over the sky...

Many people may not have thought that the fog is how come of, because there will be fruit, when the road traffic is more than a day, a day when the firecrackers "crackling", it is destined to we must eat the bitter fruit. See during the Spring Festival, alway the fireworks amount is less than normal, but the business openings put firecrackers is more than the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, a good I port view, however, the port view change back is not only a visual feast, again and again is the haze weather, the elegant and fine particulate matter in the air, generally mask did not resist, will only bring hurt again and again.

Automobile exhaust, heavy metals, dangerous chemicals, electronic waste, and soil caused by environmental problems have threatened human health and public safety, let us act, starts from me, contribute to protect our home!







  • 標籤: 英語 作文 關於霧霾的作文400字
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