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This morning, when I get up, go to the balcony, pull open curtain, wow! It was misty outside! Across the floor has been blurred, only a window of pale blue light. I can't see the sky, can't see the sun, can't see the ground, also can't see the ground of car, feel like living in wonderland. If there is no mom and dad in, saw such a wonderland I would be a little scared.


More than 9 o 'clock in the morning, uncle (father) to take us to play for the palace. We wear cotton-padded jacket, wearing masks, wu. We went out of the village south gate, very few people on the road, my eyes hazy, eyes are hard to open soon. The distant field was white fog, roadside trees and across the pedestrian, approached the ability to see. I'm so frightened, thanks to uncle speed fast.

Said on TV, the fog weather, there are a large number of bacteria in the air, people are likely to get sick after breathing, you'd better not go out.

In the afternoon, I sleep wake up and see the fog outside little a lot, can see across the floor. I hope the fog dispersed quickly.






  • 標籤: 小升初 作文題目 英語 預測 小升初作文歷年真題
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