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Recently, with the prevalence of epidemics, I have begun to think about the word "life". If there is only one day in my life, how can I spend it? I think of mayflies and myself.


If there is only one day in life, mayflies will try their best to bloom. We all know that the life of mayflies is just one day. They live and die, but they also leave us many beautiful legends. Have they ever been afraid in their one-day life? I think maybe, maybe not. They may not have the chance to think about so many things they have not got. They just want to fly to their heart's content, to grow and develop on this day, to reproduce on this day, and to leave this day to the future.


If there is only one day in my life, I would like to live a good life seriously. I'm not a mayfly. I dare not and don't want to imagine the life of a mayfly. I can think of my own life - one day's life. If there is only one day in my life, I would like to use it to cook and eat well, sleep well and live a safe and healthy life. Before that, I thought that if there is only one day for life, I will use this day to pursue dreams, but later I gave up. Pursuing dreams is a matter that needs time and energy. One day's time, maybe I haven't set foot on the journey of pursuing dreams. My life has ended this day, but I forget how to breathe, how to eat and how to breathe because of the unreachable dreams Forget to sleep, the last moment of my life, I didn't even make the most of the people.


If there is only one day in my life, I will not spend my time on some illusory or remote things. I would like to have a good meal, sleep well, accompany my parents, bring them some laughter, let our family's day, is also our family's life, have a safe and happy life, and let people not realize tomorrow Will pass away.



  • 標籤: 作文 生命 假如我的生命只剩下三天作文
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