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A semester has in the past, for a brief winter break. In this winter holiday, I also have a lot of new plans.


In the final exam, my score is not very ideal. When know result I wept bitterly, but cry also can't solve the problem, is to blame only themselves to blame at ordinary times some don't understand the question not timely consult parents or teachers. Mother knew this, said to me: "fine fine, bad have no way to test this time, you take a lot more in this winter vacation, and arrange their own study plan."

First of all, I want to finish my homework seriously, do meticulous, to the problem of difficult to fools, humbly ask parents, more to correct dragged on, do it faster and better.

Secondly, want to see more than half an hour every day of extra-curricular, and extract good word lovers. Every day recite an ancient, to write a piece of an play games... To arrange their own study plan.

Third, we should take an active part in physical exercise, make oneself become more strong and healthy body.

All in all, I want to be in the efforts to try again in a short winter break, put their homework, strive for the next semester to get good grades.

I can do, please believe me!


在這次期末考試中,我的成績不是很理想。當知道成績的時候我傷心地哭了,可是哭也不能解決問題呀,要怪只怪自己平時有些不懂的問題沒有及時請教父母或老師。媽媽知道這事後,對我說:“晴晴,這次考壞已經沒有辦法了, 在這個寒假裏你好好補補,並安排好自已的學習計劃。”







  • 標籤: 小學 作文 一年級 寒假 英語 小學三年級作文教學計劃
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