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The annual New Year again, really happy, because you can eat dinner with the family also can get lucky money, usually at home can't to have dinner with your grandparents, now finally can eat together, I feel I am the happiest person in the world.


During the festival, my father took us return home to play, in the morning we set out, I feel the home warm sun, sun, I put the clothes take off one by one, the hotel I headed to the beach, lying in a hammock coconut trees, everyone wants to play, then we put on a swimsuit, headed for the swimming pool to play water, we in the swimming pool, a water fight, play really happy, in the evening, we are in a lot of sumptuous buffet, for dinner, so have a good day. And then we went to old street and saw the Confucius temple, and peace, the castle, the building looks antique, that's very interesting.

On the last day, we went to my grandma's New Year, grandpa and grandma eat together, after dinner, my grandmother sent us a red envelope, we are happy with my grandmother said: "thank you grandma grandma listened to very happy, we are happy."

The above is my happy New Year holiday, I feel very happy, very fun, next time be sure to ask dad to arrange more fun trip.


過年的時候,爸爸帶我們回老家玩,早上我們出發了,我感受到 老家熱情的太陽,曬的我把衣服一件件的脫掉,到了飯店我直奔沙灘,躺在椰子樹的吊牀上,大家都要想玩玩看,接着我們換上泳裝,直奔游泳池玩水,我們在游泳池打水仗,玩的`真開心,到了晚上,我們在很多豐盛的自助餐吧,享用晚餐,就這樣,度過美好的一天。然後我們去了老街,看到了孔廟、平安古堡,這些建築物看起來古色古香,真有趣。




  • 標籤: 英語 六年級 小學 作文 小學六年級語文作文
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